Responsibilities of Parent/Carers

Inform the swim school upon booking of any special or medical needs

Make sure the child goes to the toilet before the lesson

Make sure the child has the appropriate swimwear and equipment for the lesson (for example, swim hat, swim nappies)

Supervise the child until the swim teacher starts the lesson

Being available throughout the lesson to take the child to the toilet or if there is an emergency (for example, fire alarm)

Be responsible for supervising the child again at the end of the lesson

Bring any medicine to the lesson and be responsible for administering this, if required

Talking to your child about their lesson, reiterating rules/water safety, discussing, and supporting with any behaviour issues

Children 4+yrs, keep their sticker book safe at home and add stickers (at the pool) in line with online progress

Praise your child they all do an amazing job and should be proud of every lesson and achievement, big or small 🙂